Web copywriting - the good and the not-so-good

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

No luck with hiring a new copywriter

Unfortunately I've not managed to hire the person I was looking for in the recent recruitment frenzy. The person I really wanted has decided to go on a five month world tour instead of plunging straight back into the world of work.

Many of the other applicants were good, but not quite in the same league as this person. And I'm simply not willing to compromise on what will be the most important hiring decision I ever make.

So here are my options:

1. Carry on as before - as a one-person company (I'd rather not... it's too busy)
2. Change the shape of the business (I'd refocus on a particular sector or service)
3. Hire a graduate (with all the ensuing investment in training)
4. Hire someone really experienced (probably through a recruitment consultancy)
5. Bring a partner into the business (obviously a very experienced copywriter)

If you're an experienced copywriter working in an agency - or a freelancer who feels a bit lonely - drop me a line at work@blackad.co.uk

You never know, it could be the most important email you ever send.


  • Hi Alan:

    I've been umming and ah-ing about exactly the same thing for a while. I've just had a stroke of luck, though: a regular client of mine needed a part-time copywriter, so I've found a good guy and we're sharing him. The big upside is that I don't have to handle any of the PAYE and related malarky.

    On the other hand, he's a graduate, so he's going to need some training...

    Happy hunting, and if I hear of anyone else who needs a job, I'll send him your way.

    Bill Hilton

    By Blogger bill hilton, at 10:18 PM  

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