Web copywriting - the good and the not-so-good

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Futsal crazy

I've just finished writing the Total Futsal website - thanks to my friends at MMI/Limone. It's a joint campaign between Tennent's and the Scottish FA - the idea is to get Scotland enjoying this skilful, fast-moving game.

(For those that care, it's the job I refered to in my Sworn to Secrecy post)

I can honestly say I haven't had so much fun in ages. It was a chance to apply all the lofty ideals I tell people to follow in my web copywriting courses, and I can immodestly say I'm rather chuffed with the results.

It's all about tone of voice - trying to get inside the Tennent's brand and do justice to the TV ads and outdoor campaign.

So what do you think?

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Sworn to secrecy

On Friday, I took a brief for a really sweet website project. It's for a lovely big brand, and it's as high profile as it gets. (It's also pretty sensitive - hence my cloak-and-dagger reluctance to name the brand)

The only problem? My client needs to see some initial copy for Monday. Eeek. Guess I'd better stop blogging, and get back to writing website copy. Wish me luck.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The simple guide to how busy I am

Here's a simple way to find out if you can get me to lower my prices for web copywriting.

Simply check to see if I'm updating my blog every few days. If I am, chances are there's not too much work about, and you can batter down my fees with no bother at all.

And if I haven't posted for weeks on end? This usually means I'm stupidly busy. When I say "busy", I mean too distracted to get my invoices out.

Right now, I'm in that happy place between ticking over and busy. Sweet.