Web copywriting - the good and the not-so-good

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Limited - but only by name

Since 1999, Blackad has been ticking along quite nicely as a sole trading business. However, becoming an employer made us realise we had to change.

So, we've simply rolled the old business into the snappily-named Blackad Ltd. You'll find all the details on our contact page - including our company registration number and VAT number.

We've also got a new bank account for the limited company. Interesting? No. But definitely good to know if you're thinking of sending us a large sum of monies by BACS.

Gold bullion should simply be delivered to the usual address.

Twenty fingers at your service

Say hello to David Atkinson - Blackad's new senior web copywriter.

David was the sole survivor of our sadistic recruitment process. Although he didn't have to bathe in a pool of maggots or snack on bush tucker canapes, he did have to complete the gruelling Blackad copy test.

David can rightly claim to be Scotland's Mr Web Copywriting - he's worked with online copy for yonks. He's also got a great background in financial services, which is handy.

But the hiring spree doesn't end with David.

We're looking to add to the team in 2009 - bringing in another experienced web copywriter and a trainee writer as well. Not just yet though. So hold onto your CVs, my recruitment consultant friends.

Bubble wrap frenzy

We're in. After six years running Blackad out of a home office, we've moved into our new premises at 106 Hope Street in Glasgow.

We're sharing a space with the wonderfully named folks at Good Creative, which means we can talk about scamps, kerning and leading without too many eyes glazing over.