Web copywriting - the good and the not-so-good

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The ego has landed

Ah - I couldn't resist the headline. There goes what little shred of credibility I had left.

Anyway, this is another post about those pesky landing pages, which I've appeared on about before.

Well, I've tweaked them a little more, and the results have been pretty good.

The main terms I'm optimising for are:

copywriter (and copywriting) glasgow
copywriter (and copywriting) Scotland
copywriter (and copywriting) Scotland
web copywriting course

What I've noticed is that Google doesn't give these pages a very high page rank, but is returning the landing pages in searches. Then again, we've been told by to googleplex to treat page rank scores as "entertainment". Yeh - they're a great way to spend an evening.

Anyway, the plan seems to be working. They're not spam pages - and it wouldn't make sense for me to integrate them into the main site content. So I'm quite happy to risk derision from my peers.


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