No writing. Just training.
Am I busy at the moment? You could say that. I'm working on two huge financial services web copywriting projects, and I've just picked up a massive training job as well. So that's nice.
Unfortunately, the only way I can hope to deliver all this is to shut off the new business tap until November. This means I won't be taking on any new copywriting clients until the storm has passed. So if you were thinking about hiring me for that massive website re-write project - sorry.
The order book is full.
However, the copywriting training side of Blackad is still very much open for business. In fact, I'm going to make an announcement about the courses we run in the near future. (No, we're not about to offer belly dancing classes.)
Unfortunately, the only way I can hope to deliver all this is to shut off the new business tap until November. This means I won't be taking on any new copywriting clients until the storm has passed. So if you were thinking about hiring me for that massive website re-write project - sorry.
The order book is full.
However, the copywriting training side of Blackad is still very much open for business. In fact, I'm going to make an announcement about the courses we run in the near future. (No, we're not about to offer belly dancing classes.)