Let me run that past my agent
The glamour. My company (Blackad Copywriting) is looking to broaden its customer base. At the moment most of our work comes from Scotland, but we want to get more direct client work from London. Specifically, we want to up the amount of web copywriting work we do from around 75 percent of turnover to 90 percent.
So what have I done? I've only just gone and appointed an agent to scout for work on our behalf.
This has the effect of making me feel very special, and not a little precious.
If I address you as "dahlink" on the phone, only to slam the phone down in a fit of histrionic rage, you'll know why.
So what have I done? I've only just gone and appointed an agent to scout for work on our behalf.
This has the effect of making me feel very special, and not a little precious.
If I address you as "dahlink" on the phone, only to slam the phone down in a fit of histrionic rage, you'll know why.